03 Dec Studio Sale 2024

Our 2024 sale of seconds, experiments, orphaned oddments and damaged and discontinued stock will take place on Tuesday 10th December at the Unitarian Church Hall on Emmanuel Street in central Cambridge.
Tuesday 10th December 2024
Noon – 6 pm
Unitarian Church Hall
5 Emmanuel Road
Cambridge CB1 1JW

As usual we’ve been having an end-of-year sort out of the attic and the warehouse rummaging through heaps, bundles and boxes of experiments, disasters, slightly dinged-up trays and boxes, damaged patterned paper, mislabelled notebooks, discontinued printing blocks, redundant lampshades and things we gave up on long ago, sometimes for reasons we can no longer understand. It’s a glorious jumble that must be banished from our workspace so that new things can take shape there. None of it can be sold in the ordinary way as every item is different (heartfelt apologies to those who cannot attend in person — for this reason we just aren’t able to run this event online) but it all has potential and we very much do not want it to end up in a skip.

We’ll be selling it all off at bargain prices, and more will be coming out at intervals through the day, so there is no real need to arrive on the dot of noon. There will still be many bargains to be had later in the day, so please consider coming in the afternoon so that you can browse in a gentler and more contemplative environment, sipping your mulled wine, nibbling your mince pie, and even chatting. We love to chat and look forward to seeing you.