Peggy Angus Patterns Archives - Cambridge Imprint
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Peggy Angus Patterns

Peggy Angus was a pattern maker of the mid-twentieth century. Contemporary and friend of Eric Ravilious and Edward Bawden, independent spirit and inspired teacher, she was a painter who really found her element when she began to design patterns in the fifties, first collaborating with industry to create tiles, with which she had a great success, and then later branching out on her own with wallpapers. Her wallpapers were linocuts hand-printed in emulsion on lining paper. The few examples that survive are hidden away in private houses. Publications about her are few and it’s hard to obtain copies. Like many others, we wished her designs were more freely accessible in some form. We are very pleased to collaborate with the Peggy Angus Estate in producing some of her designs at a reduced scale as patterned papers.